Donate to Support Ukraine

Summerfield is joining AWSNA, WECAN and our colleagues in the international Waldorf movement in raising funds to support Waldorf communities in Ukraine during this time of great suffering and violence.

Support Ukraine: Use This Link to DONATE and select “Freunde/Ukraine Relief.”


Letter from the International Association for Steiner/Waldorf Early Childhood Education (IASWECE)

Support Ukraine_International Associated for Steiner/Waldorf Early Childhood Education_Logo

Dear friends,

The suffering inflicted on innocent children and families in Ukraine is weighting on the hearts and minds of people around the world.

As UNICEF Executive Director Catharine M. Russell stated, “the past eight years of conflict have inflicted profound and lasting damage to children on both sides of the line of contact. The children of Ukraine need peace, desperately, now.”

From our colleague in Odessa, we hear how the situation is worsening every day. Families are forced to leave the security of their homes and seek shelter underground or flee with their children to unknown destinations in the hope of finding a welcoming shelter in safer places. But although all schools and kindergartens are closed, this crisis is strengthening the solidarity among her Waldorf colleagues in Ukraine.

The international Waldorf movement is reaching out to our Ukrainian colleagues and families by offering three kinds of support, coordinate by the Freunde der Erziehungskunst.

IASWECE is reaching out to you to ask for your help by making a donation.

Knowing that our thoughts and feelings are powerful tools for change, we want to share a “Prayer for the Peace in Ukraine” written by a Ukrainian eurythmy student.


I weave a Chain of Dawn,
I weave a Protective Chain,
That will greet and embrace my kindred,
And will be a prayer for the heart,
I weave it with every thought,
I weave it with a cheerful word,
With rainbow-coloured feelings,
With beautiful deeds,
I weave it with every cell,
I weave it with every atom,
The protective chain
For Mother Earth!


Support Ukraine: Use This Link to DONATE and select “Freunde/Ukraine Relief.”