International & Exchange Programs

Summerfield Waldorf School & Farm welcomes international students from Kindergarten through 12th grade. Once admitted, we provide the I-20 form which enables international students to apply for the F-1 student visa.

International Students (Short- and Long-Term)

As non-exchange students, international students pay full tuition and annual fees appropriate to the number of instructional days enrolled. They are also responsible for a $1,700 housing and board fee which is paid directly to the host family. Summerfield can help with the process of finding a host family for your student, but finding a host family is not guaranteed.

International students apply via our Admissions Portal (just like domestic students), either as a short-term or long-term student:

  • Short-Term International Students: defined as international students who study for a short period of time (less than six months) and may not need credit for their classes. Short-term students do not necessarily need to be proficient in English.
  • Long-Term International Students: defined as students who study for a longer period of time in order to to receive credit for their classes and/or complete a high school diploma at Summerfield. Long-term students who are not proficient in the English language will be required to take English Language Development classes at an additional cost. See below for more details.

For more information about our program and/or applying to the school, click here to submit an inquiry form.

Exchange Students

Summerfield has a robust student exchange program! If you are interested in exchanging with a student at our school, please email us a student profile (pdf format is preferred) that includes a bit about yourself and family, your school, and why you want to come to Summerfield and Northern California, and include a few pictures! A profile picture and what school year your wish to exchange in are beneficial to have as well.

We will share your profile with our high school students, who will reach out directly to those who they are interested in exchanging with. If you do not hear from a Summerfield student within a couple of months, it may mean an exchange is not likely and we encourage you to explore the option of applying as an international student. See above for more info.

Exchange students do not pay tuition, but may be responsible for other fees. Minimum English Proficiency is not required.

Email for more information about our exchange program.

English Proficiency Requirements

Long-term International students will need to attend English Language Development (ELD) classes at an additional cost if they do not meet the minimum proficiency requirements outlined below.

Long-term International students in 7th through 12th grade will submit an English proficiency test score such as TOEFL, IELTS, or ITEP-Slate with their application so that we will know how much support they need.Students who score under 80 on the TOEFL (or equivalent) will be required to take ELD classes for an additional fee of $5,000 per year. Students will be assessed throughout the year until they are proficient to score above a 80.

Immunization Policy

California has strict immunization requirements for school entry. As such, it may be necessary for your student to get additional immunizations prior to enrollment. Please click here to verify what is needed for your student to be admitted to a school in California, or visit, Please review Summerfield Waldorf School & Farm’s Immunization Policy here.

Health Insurance

Students are required to have health insurance when enrolling at Summerfield. We can suggest purchasing a policy through, or any other international travelers insurance a family deems appropriate.