
Summerfield’s Preschool program strives to make the transition from home to school as gentle as possible by creating a classroom setting that feels homelike. As children begin to interact with their peers they naturally imitate the world around them. It is through active play with each other and work with their teachers and peers that these children develop a foundation for future learning.

The Transition from Roots & Shoots: Our Seedlings Preschool Program

Our Seedling Preschool programs are designed with the utmost care for children (age 2-3 years). We offer small class sizes with high teacher-to-student ratios, in order to foster strong relationships with both teachers and peers. With our ratios, we’re able to slow down and take time in key moments—such as toileting, eating, and problem-solving—to give each child the care and support they need to grow and develop, and gradually learn to care for themselves. For example, children may start their Seedlings year in diapers, and together with the family, the teachers will support the child’s toilet learning. With our gentle transition into preschool, we have the flexibility to meet each child’s needs.

For many children, this is their first care experience outside of the home. To ease the transition we mindfully build the relationship with the child before the start of the program. Relationships are the heart of the Seedlings Preschool program. In this year children are connecting with each other, learning to be in a group, and fostering their independence.

During our morning, children have plenty of time to play with one another both inside and outdoors, and in all kinds of weather. Together they will share a warm organic snack around the table. We celebrate the seasons with seasonal nature-based crafts such as harvesting lavender for sachets, drying apples in the fall, and making garden tea for Mother’s Day.

Our small groups also allow for more connection for families through community events and parent evenings. Working closely with parents, we aim to build a bridge between home and school life.

Seedlings Preschool – Program Information:

  • For children age 2-3 years (who turn 2 by June 1st of this year)
  • Class size: 8 students; 2 teachers

2-Day Program

Thursdays and Fridays from 8:30am-12:30pm

5-Day Program

Monday through Friday from 8:30am-12:30pm

Tuition & Fees Information

Immunization Policy Information

The Next Step Towards Kindergarten: Our Rosebuds Preschool Program

The Rosebud Preschool “home” is designed to provide opportunities for the young child (age 3-4 years) to recreate the activities of daily life that they witness every day. We have a bustling Sunshine Kitchen, with plates, pots and pans. Seashells and river stones serve as inspiration for many meals. Wooden stands, boards, play cloths and clips allow for construction projects of all kinds. Welders and electricians can fix any malfunctions that might arise! Kings and queens can adorn themselves with silks and crowns. The cozy corner allows little mothers and fathers to care for their “babies” with devotion and love. Less formed play things – like wool roving – have limitless potential for inclusion in play: frosting for your cupcakes anyone? Our toys are made of natural materials that are inviting to the touch; they stimulate the imagination, which in turn creates valuable play.

On bun day, our morning work includes the grinding of wheat, and the kneading of dough. On rice day, we stir and mix our sesames seeds to season our grain. Farm day chores include feeding the chickens and combing the bunnies’ soft, velvety coats. Every day the table must be set with our placemats, napkins and china cups. Our room is kept tidy and seasonally decorated too. We are joyfully busy with the care of our home at school.

Our outside play yard is blessed with many trees, a garden and pathways that wind from the sandbox to the swings and back to the wooden gate. There are flowers to care for and a wooden house that might be a carpentry shop, a horse barn or a bakery on any given day. Our big chair swing, our rainbow hammock and many leafy branches for climbing insure that we have plenty of space for quiet and reflection when needed. Tools for gardening, hauling, watering, raking and sweeping are always at hand. Our slide allows for lively games of train ride and sledding and our basket with pulley makes it possible to transport all kinds of treasures to the top of our play house!

Like traditional Waldorf Kindergartens, the Rosebud Preschool follows a rhythm of the day, week and year. Seasonal festivals such as our Harvest Tea and May Day Dance are favorites; birthday celebration days include special bouquets of flowers, a slightly sweet treat with our morning meal, and a wee gift for the celebrants. Language is joyfully developed through songs, circle games and stories. We sing sweet tunes throughout the day: during our morning greeting, at circle time, on walks, while working, and to bless our meal. Through storytelling and puppet shows, the child’s world expands and the imagination is kindled. Through all of their experiences at the Rosebud classroom, the children come to know that the world is a good place to be and that we are ever so happy that they are here!

Rosebuds Preschool – Program Information:

  • For children age 3-4 years (who turn 3 by June 1st of this year)
  • Class size: 12 students; 2 teachers

3-Day Program

Monday through Wednesday from 8:30am-12:30pm

5-Day Program

Monday through Friday from 8:30am-12:30pm

Tuition and Fees Information

Immunization Policy Information