Hiring Paperwork

Please bring all required paperwork to Human Resources Manager, Michelle Bovard, before your anticipated start date. Michelle is located in the High School Office. Please schedule a drop off time for your paperwork directly with Michelle, or you may return it by mail to: Summerfield Waldorf School & Farm, Attn: Michelle Bovard – HR Manager, 655 Willowside Road, Santa Rosa, CA 95401.

Form Action Required Form Link
Employee Notice/Letter of Employment You will receive an Employee Notice or Letter of Employment in person. Please read, sign and return.
Pay Day Schedule Print for your reference Pay Day Schedule
Time Card Process Print for your reference. If this process is not followed your pay may be delayed Time Card Process

Please read the following instructions carefully and return paperwork back to Michelle Bovard as requested. Only the forms listed below need to be returned as noted–there may be some listed on this page that do not apply to you.

Form Action Required Form Link
Employee Handbook Sign and return the Handbook Acknowledgement form Employee Handbook
Code of Conduct Sign and return the Handbook Acknowledgement form Code of Conduct
Handbook Acknowledgment Sign, print, and return the Handbook Acknowledgement form Acknowledgement
Employee Emergency Authorization Request Sign, print, and return form Employee Emergency Authorization
Form I-9 Complete Section 1 of the I-9 and return. On your first day of employment, please bring your required documents proving citizenship as mentioned on page 3 Form I-9
Form W4 Sign, print, and return completed form W-4
Form DE4 Sign, print, and return completed form DE4
Direct Deposit Authorization Sign, print, and return completed form Direct Deposit Form
SWSF Emergency Operations Plan Please familiarize yourself and be prepared to implement plan as necessary. Sign and return Emergency Operations Plan Acknowledgment Form SWSF Emergency Operations Plan
Flood Plan Please familiarize yourself and be prepared to implement plan as necessary. Sign and return Emergency Operations Plan Acknowledgment Form Flood Plan
SWSF Emergency Operations Plan Acknowledgement Read and understand SWSF Emergency Operations Plan & Flood Plan. Sign Acknowledgement form and return Emergency Operations Plan Acknowledgement

TB Risk Assessment and/or Examination Certificate of Completion:
California law requires that school staff working with students be free of infectious tuberculosis (TB). A negative test result is a precondition of employment. If you have had a TB skin test in the past four years, you may submit a copy of the results. Otherwise, you will need to arrange for a skin test with your personal physician, or go to Concentra Medical Clinic with whom the school has an account. This clearance must be completed before you start work.

Form Action Required Form Link
Authorization for Concentra Print, complete, and bring this form with you if you choose to go to Concentra Authorization Form for Concentra
TB Risk Assessment & Certificate of Completion Read and follow instructions on form TB Risk Assessment and Cert of Completion Form

It is necessary for you to have a Live Scan fingerprint clearance before you begin your work. Your offer of employment is not official until we receive this clearance. A list of Live Scan offices near you can be found by clicking the link below. You may not transfer results from another company or school; we are required by the State to collect our own results. The results will be forwarded to us by the Dept. of Justice. The rolling fee you pay for this service can be reimbursed by Summerfield if you so request.

Form Action Required Form Link
Live Scan Request  Complete as instructed on form. Not for use by Early Childhood applicants Live Scan Request Form
List of Live Scan Offices List of Live Scan Offices

Workers’ Comp Written Notice and MPN Notice: Read the Notices below, sign the Acknowledgement, and if you want, the Pre-designation form, and return. The Workers’ Comp Written Notice is for your information explaining how the Workers’ Comp system works. The Employee Notification and MPN handout is provided by our WC insurance company and explains what to do in case you are injured on the job, and describes what the MPN is.

Form Action Required Form Link
Workers’ Compensation Notice/MPN Notice Keep the handout and brochure for your information Workers’ Comp Written Notice and MPN Notice
Workers’ Compensation Acknowledgment Complete, print, and return Workers’ Compensation Acknowledgment

Mandated Reporter Training

Mandated Reporter Training is required of all educators by the State of California. The link below will take you to the training website. When you have completed the mandatory training, provide a copy of your Certificate of Completion, either electronically or hard copy.

Form Action Required Form Link
For ALL Educators: Mandated Reporter Training Website Print and return the certificate when you finish and pass the training Mandated Reporter Training website
For Early Childhood Educators: California Child Care Providers Print and return the certificate when you finish and pass the training California Child Care Providers: Mandated Reporter Training

For your Reference

CPR/First Aid

Please reach out to Michelle Bovard, HR Manager, for information regarding CPR & First Aid certification.