Immunization Policy

The State of California School Attendance Law requires that all children entering school comply with the Department of Health regulations summarized below. California School Immunization Law requires that all children entering school for the first time submit evidence of their completed immunizations. It also requires that schools submit annual immunization reports to the state. Homeopathic preparations or homeoprophylaxis are not considered vaccines by the federal Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices and so do not meet the immunization requirements for entry to California schools.

EXEMPTIONS: please visit to find out about immunization requirements to attend public and private schools in California. The only exemptions that are valid for school entry in the State of California are medical exemptions (religious or personal beliefs exemptions are not valid.)

For more information on medical exemptions, you may review the state’s FAQ. If your child needs a medical exemption, register now with an email address to request the exemption from your child’s doctor. The request process is quick and easy and can be done from your mobile device. The state’s website, CAIR-ME, will walk you through each step of the process. Instructions to Request a Medical Exemption.

Required immunizations entering Preschool (Seedlings, Rosebuds) include:
• Polio
• DTP or DtaP (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis)
• MMR (measles, mumps, rubella)
• HiB
• Hep B
• Varicella (chickenpox)

Required immunizations entering TK/Kindergarten through 12th grade include:
• Polio
• DTP or DtaP (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis)
• MMR (measles, mumps, rubella)
• Hep B
• Varicella (chickenpox)

Requirements may vary depending on the age and grade of the entering student.

New students must have their first doses of the above vaccinations, with no more due to start class. Subsequent doses are due based on the State’s timeline (a delayed schedule between you and your physician will not be accepted in the State of California).

Summerfield Waldorf School and Farm complies with all California vaccination and reporting laws and encourages parents to make informed vaccination decisions in partnership with their family health care provider. The school operates under California Health & Safety Code 120325(c), in which the legislature provides “exemptions from immunization for medical reasons.” Assembly Bill (AB) 2109 requires documentation that healthcare practitioners have informed parents about vaccines and diseases.

In the case of an outbreak, children who are not fully immunized may be temporarily excluded from attending school. More details are available at the website:

Please contact our Registrar, Andrea Trinei, should you have specific questions about immunizations.