Summerfield’s Farm to Feast 2022: Gratitude for Our Community
Farm to Feast is Summerfield Waldorf School and Farm’s annual, [...]
Farm to Feast is Summerfield Waldorf School and Farm’s annual, [...]
The academic benefits of… gardening? More and more schools are [...]
An Artistic Approach to Education There is extensive research on [...]
Main Lesson books are unique to Waldorf education. While traditional [...]
The performing arts give students skills that build relationships, flexibility, [...]
A new comprehensive study of preschools across the United States [...]
Movement is fundamental for a child's learning and development. There [...]
In Waldorf early childhood, the doll is regarded as one [...]
By Adam MacKinnon, Former Editor of Summerfield Messenger As a [...]
Waldorf Kindergarteners find warmth and connection in the sharing of [...]