High School Faculty

2023-24 Class Advisors


Bob Flagg, Humanities

Bob received a B.A. in History from the University of San Francisco and an M.A. and junior college teaching credential in humanities from San Francisco State University. He received his Waldorf teacher training through the Rudolf Steiner College San Francisco extension program, and has been teaching in the High School since 1997. Bob also looks after the high school campus cats.

Phone: (707) 575-7194 Ext: 110





Molly Sierra, Humanities & Foreign Languages

Molly taught Language Arts and Creative Writing for twelve years in both Spanish and English before coming to Summerfield. She also has taught Creative Writing at SFSU and literacy skills to adults in Sonoma County. Molly received a B.A. in English from Sonoma State and both an M.A. in English and an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from SFSU. She completed her Waldorf training at the Center for Educational Renewal. Molly and her husband, Uriel, have two daughters, Nayeli and Chloe. They are very happy to be part of the Summerfield community.

Phone: (707) 575-7194 Ext: 154


Science & Mathematics

Wade Cavin, Visiting Block Teacher, Biology

Wade came to Waldorf teaching in 2000 after working in labs and universities before that. Originally from Oklahoma, he has also lived in Texas, California, New Mexico and Colorado. He has degrees in Biology, Art and Humanities. He also teaches in various Waldorf teacher training institutes, including the Micha-el Institute in Portland. Wade began teaching high school by teaching science main lessons, math and playing piano for Eurythmy classes. He also coached tennis. He continues to enjoy piano and tennis as hobbies. He continues to study Anthroposophy and Goethe’s scientific approach.



Andy Dill, Visiting Block Teacher, Biology

Andy retired as a full-time teacher in 2020 from the Kimberton Waldorf School (his alma
mater) after a forty-year career teaching biology, outdoor education, and physical
education. Since then, he has been teaching blocks, mentoring and evaluating Waldorf
teachers, and pursuing his favorite pastime: flyfishing.




Maria Morales, Chemistry, Biology, Earth Sciences & Astronomy

Maria is a lifelong learner who is fascinated by transformation in the natural world. She holds an M.A. in Waldorf Education, from Rudolf Steiner College and an M.S. in Wildland Resource Science, from the University of California, Berkeley.

She is active in the Natural Science section and an avid student of Star Wisdom. Her three children are Waldorf graduates and she is grateful to be part of an anthroposophical community.

Phone: (707) 575-7194, Ext: 128


Lorian Shick, HS Mathematics & Practical Arts

Lorian was born and raised in South Lake Tahoe, CA where she developed a love for nature and a deep interest in the world around her. She attended the University of California at Santa Cruz, where she graduated with a BA in Business and Economics. She immediately followed her creative passions enrolling at the Academy of Art in San Francisco, where she then earned her MFA Degree in Fashion Design.

After 10 years of working in the clothing design industry she discovered Waldorf Education, and with it, a new perspective on the ways in which she wanted to contribute her gifts to the world. She completed her Waldorf Teacher Training with the Center for Educational Renewal. Lorian then joined the Faculty at the Summerfield High School to teach Economics, Crafts, and Math. Lorian and her husband Ben have two children, their daughter Sovana attends the Kindergarten at Summerfield and their son Skyler is 18 months old.

Lorian is grateful for the many ways in which the Summerfield Community colors her life, and is constantly inspired to further develop and share her individual gifts.

Phone: (707) 575-7194, Ext: 127

Ry Ulmer-Strack, Physics & Mathematics

Ry graduated from Summerfield in 2014. After receiving a BA in pure mathematics from Sonoma State, Ry joined the high school faculty in 2019.

Phone: (707) 575-7194, Ext: 130





Rose MacDonald, Circus Coordinator, LS/HS Movement & PE/Handwork & HS Safe Space Leader

Rose graduated from Summerfield in 2014.

Phone: (707) 575-7194 Ext: 160





Olivia Wells, Foreign Language Teacher, PE/Games & International/Exchange Program Coordinator

Olivia completed her Bachelors in Psychology and German at San Jose State University. She was first introduced to Waldorf education when she was a college exchange student at Tübingen University in Germany. Olivia was so inspired by the second-grade class and Class Teacher that she observed, that she later returned to Germany and studied at the Freie Hochschule Stuttgart, Seminar für Waldorfpädagogik in Germany (the site of the very first Waldorf school) in the subjects of Class Teacher, German and English as a foreign language, and Sports/Bothmer Gymnastics.

She worked at two Waldorf schools in Germany – Engelberg and Frankfurt for three years as an English teacher in grades 2 through 12. Due to her impressive work with improvisational theater and foreign language teaching, she was also asked to teach improvisation and drama in foreign language teaching workshops to teachers in training at the Freie Hochschule in Stuttgart.

After seven years in Germany, she came back to the USA and worked as an ESL Teacher for six years at Dominican University in San Rafael in an intensive ESL program for teenagers and adults from all over the world entering university programs.

At Summerfield since 2016, Olivia has taught German, Language Arts/ESL, HS English and Debate, Games/PE in Grades 1 to 12, and was a Class Teacher for Grade 4. When she’s not in the classroom, Olivia loves to garden, hike, and has competed nationally in Germany and the US as an ultimate frisbee player.

Phone: (707) 575-7194 Ext: 138

Foreign Languages

Allison Fernandez, HS Spanish

Allison was born and raised in the golden poppy-filled hillsides of Northern California. She studied at UC San Diego, where she got to study abroad twice!: to Granada, Spain and then to Santiago, Chile. Returning state-side, she graduated with a BA in Visual Arts and double minored in World Music and Latin American Studies. With that she started teaching Spanish through music, art and movement and also developed programs for Parents and children to learn Spanish together.

Next phase: Allison had three children of her own and became a fierce advocate for bilingual education. She worked at Escuela Bilingüe Internacional, an International Baccalaureate school in the East Bay area, enhancing the immersion enrichment programs and then as the Admissions Associate.

Most recently, she lived for 5 years in Valencia, Spain, with her three (now much bigger) children and is now back in California and teaches Spanish language, Pilates Groove and an occasional Zumba class.

Molly Sierra, Humanities & HS Spanish

Molly taught Language Arts and Creative Writing for twelve years in both Spanish and English before coming to Summerfield. She also has taught Creative Writing at SFSU and literacy skills to adults in Sonoma County. Molly received a B.A. in English from Sonoma State and both an M.A. in English and an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from SFSU. She completed her Waldorf training at the Center for Educational Renewal. Molly and her husband, Uriel, have two daughters, Nayeli and Chloe. They are very happy to be part of the Summerfield community.

Phone: (707) 575-7194 Ext: 154


Isabel Vallejo, LS/HS Spanish

Isabel was born and raised in a small village in Valladolid, Spain. She received her Masters degree in Law at the University of Valladolid, then worked with the Spanish Tax Agency for more than ten years in Barcelona, Madrid, Toledo and Athens. She moved to the USA twelve years ago following her husband, with whom she has two children. She taught Spanish as a substitute at Sonoma Academy before joining the Summerfield faculty.




Olivia Wells, LS/HS German, PE/Games & International/Exchange Program Coordinator

Olivia completed her Bachelors in Psychology and German at San Jose State University. She was first introduced to Waldorf education when she was a college exchange student at Tübingen University in Germany. Olivia was so inspired by the second-grade class and Class Teacher that she observed, that she later returned to Germany and studied at the Freie Hochschule Stuttgart, Seminar für Waldorfpädagogik in Germany (the site of the very first Waldorf school) in the subjects of Class Teacher, German and English as a foreign language, and Sports/Bothmer Gymnastics.

She worked at two Waldorf schools in Germany – Engelberg and Frankfurt for three years as an English teacher in grades 2 through 12. Due to her impressive work with improvisational theater and foreign language teaching, she was also asked to teach improvisation and drama in foreign language teaching workshops to teachers in training at the Freie Hochschule in Stuttgart.

After seven years in Germany, she came back to the USA and worked as an ESL Teacher for six years at Dominican University in San Rafael in an intensive ESL program for teenagers and adults from all over the world entering university programs.

At Summerfield since 2016, Olivia has taught German, Language Arts/ESL, HS English and Debate, Games/PE in Grades 1 to 12, and was a Class Teacher for Grade 4. When she’s not in the classroom, Olivia loves to garden, hike, and has competed nationally in Germany and the US as an ultimate frisbee player.

Phone: (707) 575-7194 Ext: 138

Isabel Wundsam, LS/HS Music, Practical Arts & HS German

Isabel has been teaching for 42 years—having taught piano privately and in a music school in Germany. She studied piano with Udo Falkner and Chamber music at the Conservatory of Music in NRW, Germany. She has a degree in Visual Communication. In 1990 Isabel moved to the US. Since then she has taught music, art and German, and has worked at Summerfield since 1998 and studied under several master teachers to become a better Waldorf teacher. “Some of my most important teachers are the students whom I teach and learn with.” Since 2005, Isabel has been studying the recorder flute with performer Frances Blaker in the East Bay and performs around the Bay Area and in Southern California.


Fine Arts, Practical Arts & Music

Angie Brown, LS/HS Practical Arts

Angie is a practicing professional ceramic artist. She earned a BFA from California College of the Arts. At Summerfield she will be teaching pottery on the wheel and coil pots in the high school. She will teach seventh grade clay sculpture, and, together with Ken Smith, teach the clay bust self-portraits with the senior class. Angie will collaborate with Isabel Wundsum to bring acrylic painting to the eleventh grade. Stop by and say hello to Angie in the pottery!




Barb Kobabe, LS/HS Practical Arts & LS Handwork

Barb joined the Summerfield Community as a parent in 2003. She began volunteering on the farm with the farm guild the following year. In 2006, she began assisting in lower school handwork classes, and over the years has assisted, volunteered and taught in lower school and high school handwork classes. Barb completed her Waldorf Teacher Training with the Center for Educational Renewal in 2012. Barb loves sharing her life long passion of all things handwork with the students.



Rose MacDonald, Circus Coordinator, LS/HS Movement/Handiwork & HS Safe Space Leader

Rose graduated from Summerfield in 2014.

Phone: (707) 575-7194 Ext: 160




Molly Sierra, Humanities, Foreign Languages, Art

Molly taught Language Arts and Creative Writing for twelve years in both Spanish and English before coming to Summerfield. She also has taught Creative Writing at SFSU and literacy skills to adults in Sonoma County. Molly received a B.A. in English from Sonoma State and both an M.A. in English and an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from SFSU. She completed her Waldorf training at the Center for Educational Renewal. Molly and her husband, Uriel, have two daughters, Nayeli and Chloe. They are very happy to be part of the Summerfield community.

Phone: (707) 575-7194 Ext: 154



Liz Turkel Vose, HS Drama Teacher

Liz was born and raised in the Bay Area. She is a teaching artist with over 20 years of experience working with children and adults in performing and transformative arts. It was through her work teaching Michael Chekhov based drama in the inner-city public schools of Brooklyn and the Bronx that she was introduced to the ideas of Rudolf Steiner and Anthroposophy. She went on to study at Emerson College in England and later served on the faculty there in the School of Storytelling. She holds a BA from UC Berkeley, is a graduate of Dell’Arte International School of Physical Theatre and completed her graduate work in Women’s Spirituality at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. She has served on the faculty of many international arts organizations as well as running her own courses and camps for both adults and children. Liz currently co-carries the Foundation Studies course at BACWTT and works with the 2nd and 3rd year students in Biography and the art of Storytelling. She lives in Sonoma County and is the mother of two young Waldorf students.

Phone: (707) 575-7194 Ext: 162

Isabel Wundsam, LS/HS Music, Practical Arts & German

Isabel has been teaching for 42 years—having taught piano privately and in a music school in Germany. She studied piano with Udo Falkner and Chamber music at the Conservatory of Music in NRW, Germany. She has a degree in Visual Communication. In 1990 Isabel moved to the US. Since then she has taught music, art and German, and has worked at Summerfield since 1998 and studied under several master teachers to become a better Waldorf teacher. “Some of my most important teachers are the students whom I teach and learn with.” Since 2005, Isabel has been studying the recorder flute with performer Frances Blaker in the East Bay and performs around the Bay Area and in Southern California.